ICDE Portuguese OER Project

Supporting the implementation of the UNESCO OER recommendation in Portuguese speaking countries.

Purpose and background

The purpose of this project is to support the implementation of the UNESCO OER Recommendation in a selection of Portuguese speaking countries in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.

This project builds on the existing network and courses created within the ICDE OER Francophone project and continues the focus on OER capacity building and digital competency development.

The project was launched in April 2024, after identifying a need to reach Portuguese-speaking countries to keep advocating for the potential of Open Education for human development in Africa and Latin America.

ICDE is the project’s coordinator. ICDE members the Open University of Portugal (Universidade Aberta) and the French Digital University (l’Université Numérique) are the main partners. The project is supported by UNESCO. The duration of the first phase is planned for 12 months.

Expected project’s outcomes :

  • Translation into Portuguese, cultural and legal adaptation to Portuguese-speaking countries in Africa, Latin-America and the Caribbean of two OER courses about Open Education, Open licensing and OER key concepts.
  • Creation of an OER expert working group for Portuguese speaking countries.

    Register here to the launching event of the OER courses in Portuguese on Monday March 24th, 15h00-18h00 (CET) .

Selection of OER available in Portuguese:

Contact malbrand@icde.org if you would like to propose Open Educational Resources in Portuguese to be considered by the project partners.

Register your interest in the ICDE Portuguese OER Project

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Contact us for more information

Anaïs Røed Malbrand

Senior Adviser for Events and Projects

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