ICDE Francophone OER Project
Supporting the implementation of the UNESCO OER recommendation in Francophone Africa.

Seizing the opportunity of the UNESCO OER recommendation’s unanimous adoption by 195 member states in 2019, the French Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI) and ICDE established a Francophone OER expert working group early 2020. It was created to tap into the ICDE global, OER expert network to support Francophone African and French partners and stakeholders with the implementation of the UNESCO OER recommendation on a regional basis.
Working group
The working group is composed with representatives from the French Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation, the French Digital University (UNIT, AUNEGe and UOH), the Virtual Universities of Senegal, Mali and Republic of Congo. Representatives from UNESCO Headquarters, the French National Commission for UNESCO, the French UNESCO Chair in OER and the International Organization of la Francophonie.
The ICDE Francophone Africa Project was born within this collaboration.
Project development and outcomes
The project aim is to develop OER capacity building and supportive policies by connecting national and institutional stakeholders in the region. Through the potential of up-scaling and extending the concept to other countries and regions, the initiative also promotes and reinforces international collaboration.
One concrete project outcome is the French adaptation of the open, online and free micro-course: “Open education, copyright and open licensing in a digital world”, LIDA 103, created in English by ICDE partner OERu. The first version of a French translation, technical and cultural adaptation LIDA103fr, has been done within the working group and serves as a capacity building tool for the Francophone project.
Read more and register to the LIDA103fr course here.
Register: Introductory courses on OER concepts
ICDE invites you to take part in introductory courses on basic OER concepts for the Francophone public, which have been developed by the project working group.
The following courses are available on the Moodle platform of Université Numérique:
Please note, the courses are in French.
Want to know more?
Contact us for further information.